Sony PlayStation Console Repair



Sony PS3, PS4, PS Vita Repair Services

Has your gaming life come to a halt because of faulty equipment? Let us help you with your video game console repair. Our technicians can locate the problem with your Playstation and get it ready for your next gaming adventure.

Why try and troubleshoot the problem with your console? Getting your console repaired has never been easier. No more guessing what the problem is or trying to repair it yourself regardless of your console model. We offer affordable repair service you can rely on.

We understand that you like to play as hard as you work, and your competitive spirit needs the next challenge that your game console has to offer.

PS4 Console Repair Services

 Sony PS4 Repair ServicesSony PS4 Slim Repair ServicesSony PS4 Pro Repair Services

Sony PS4 BLOD Blue Light of Death Repair Services

Overheat / BLOD
(Blue Light of 
Repair Cost: $155

Overheat / BLOD
(Blue Light of 
Repair Cost: $175

Overheat / BLOD
(Blue Light of 
Repair Cost: $195

Sony PS4 Slim Pro Hard Drive Replacement

Hard Drive Replacement
500GB – $95
1000GB(1TB) – $135

Hard Drive Replacement
500GB – $95
1000GB(1TB) – $135

Hard Drive Replacement
500GB – $95
1000GB(1TB) – $135

Sony PS4 Wifi/Bluetooth Repair Services

Wifi / Bluetooth Repair
Repair Cost: $155

Wifi / Bluetooth Repair
Repair Cost: $175

Wifi / Bluetooth Repair
Repair Cost: $195


HDMI + Display IC(No Display issue) Replacement
Repair Cost: $155

HDMI + Display IC(No Display issue) Replacement
Repair Cost: $175

HDMI + Display IC(No Display issue) Replacement
Repair Cost: $195

Sony PS4 Slim Pro Logic Board Repair Servics

Logic Board Repair
Repair Cost: $80 – $195

Logic Board Repair
Repair Cost: $80 – $255

Logic Board Repair
Repair Cost: $80 – $285

Sony PS4 Blu-Ray Drive Replacement

Blu-Ray Drive Replacement
Replacement Cost: $115

Blu-Ray Drive Replacement
Repair Cost: $115

Blu-Ray Drive Replacement
Repair Cost: $135

Sony PS4 Drive Board Repair

Drive Board Repair
Repair Cost: $85

Sony PS4 Power Supply PSU Replacement

Power Supply Replacement
CUH-10XX: $105
CUH-11XX: $115
CUH-12XX: $145

Power Supply Replacement
CUH- 2XXX: $155
CUH- 21XX: $155

Power Supply Replacement
CUH- 7XXX: $175
CUH- 71XX: $195

Dual shock Controller Repair Services

DamageSony Dualshock 4 controller Repair Services
Sony Dualshock 4 button flex replacemntFlex Sensor Replacement: $25
Sony Dualshock 4 Battery Replacement Battery Replacement: $25
Sony Dualshock 4 3D analog module replacement3D Analog Module Replacement: $35
Sony Dualshock 4 motherboard replacmentMother Board Repair: $50